
My travel tale from PHP to Python

Recently I had given the opportunity to learn Python. I had been PHPing for at least 12 years now and honestly I love PHP. Needless to say, I wasn’t looking to pick up another language but when an opportunity arises I am not one to hesitate. PHP with all its quirks, does bring about a lot freedom on how you write your code and therefor real talent sticks out quickly.

Python on the other hand is like a cousin to PHP, but I must say IT JUST IS SIMPLE. It reads very nicely and is very easy to work with. The indentation rules take out a lot of the faff we have in PHP. Too many standards for my taste get introduced in each team trying to make their mark in terms of clean code etc etc whereas half of those are baked into Python by default. Impressive.

I must however say, if you get in a situation where you can work with Python I would not hesitate. My experience of picking up Python was of about 2 hours. Unbelievable. They are extremely similar in their basic forms. There is always advanced concepts within a language however basics are very close, down to the function names!

PHP8 however is built for the web, Python3 is not, period. The speed is unparallel now, and I would love to get back into it.